Vivek: Ever since I came to Dubai, I am stress-free .
Me: One tends to get more sensible as one gets older.
Vivek: No its not so simple..In old age people were in more tension
But then I thought enough is enough and no more tension. So I made a decision that no one can hurt me anymore and i will not be sad whatever the case be. So I am happy since then 🙂
Me: …you seem to have learn a guru-mantra
why don’t you teach me something
Vivek: The world is very cruel buddy, people are not happy to see your happy face
Me: The world was like that from the very beginning friend…
You seem to misunderstood it earlier
Vivek: They will sympathize you when you r in trouble and drive a sadistic sort of pleasure out of it.
Me: As I said…it was already there before too
Vivek: Yeah, but it took some time for me to realize that
I can understand what you mean as you saw all in front of your eyes
You were able to judge people well in advance but i am not
Me: Not only that…if u see past movies for instance the role of Gurudutt’s brothers in Pyasa.
U will see those instance 60-70 years back too
So to me the world didn’t change
Though we interpret it to be changing
For me Mahabharata is still the default truth.
In everyday life u can see that
In today’s world…one has to become Krishna
Being Rama doesn’t work in today’s world
Vivek: Yes, you are right, it is all there in same ratio
But you see I never judge anybody’s background, caste, religion etc. If you are good to me I will be good to you too. That was my thinking.
Me: Continue…
Vivek: But later i see it does matter
In L&T Chennai I saw, they always gave preference to Tamilians even if the guy is a poor performer.
So much nepotism and favoritism
Here in Dubai I found Keralaite have similar culture
They make a wall around themselves and behave with non-Keralite as if we don’t belong to them
Even if you ask them are u from India, his response will be no i am from Kerala
So it looked strange in the beginning but later I realized the whole world is like that.
From there side still I feel it may be their thinking but I will not change myself but will be more cautious on case to case basis.
Me: For me there are some fundamental rules…
Vivek: What are those rules?
Me: I don’t change my nature just because world is changing
Vivek: Go ahead..
Me: People say many a times that because world is changing u should also change…
But to me that doesn’t work
Vivek: To me also..
That is why i said i will not change myself..!!
Me: For instance, sometimes some say those guys didn’t help u why u want to help them
Me: For me it’s simple…they did what they thought right and I am doing what it seem to me right
Another rule is –
Patra (deserving) and Kupatra (non-deserving)
U share your knowledge or help those people whom u feel are Patra of ur help
Otherwise some people will complain – why are u interfering in their life
Vivek: Okay
yaah..They may think that way
Me: Also if u help kupatra who doesn’t respect ur help and ur good thinking, or doesn’t respond with some actions
It’s again a waste
Vivek: Agreed!!!
Me: Today’s life…is full of instances where you feel ur situation as of Arjuna in Mahabharata
There may be relatives, friends and near and dears
Who take wrong direction…
If that happens, u have to take hard decisions of life
Vivek: I did not get this point..
Me: The point is – Moh (enchantment for the world around) in real life will make u weak
Either u be weak or be on the side of Dharma always
Vivek: Yes , you have to play the role of Arjuna
Me: But it’s easy to talk about being Arjuna, but very difficult to be Arjuna in real life
Vivek: For Arjuna also it was not easy
The whole Gita got written just to convince him
Me: But yet again it’s very important to be Krishna and that should answer all ur questions
Vivek: Agreed
Other rule pl..
Me: Last rule is Sthitpragya Darshan
Vivek: Explain pl
Me: Take a look at
Vivek: I am reading it now